{Note: For regular followers of the blog, this is a familiar section. For those new to the blog, at the beginning of each week I run a short newsletter-style article called, "I've been thinking about..." This grew out of the Order of Service at the Encanto Community Church where the back page of the bulletin was reserved for "whatever the pastor has been thinking about." I liked the practice so much (and the opportunity to share things with the church) that I brought it to the blog too. So every Tuesday you can stop by to see what "I've been thinking about." Now back to your regularly scheduled blog post.}
I've had prayer on the brain this week partly because this coming Sunday's sermon text gives us Luke's version of the Lord's Prayer. When asked, "Lord, teach us to pray," Jesus says, "When you pray, say: Father,
* hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.
* 3Give us each day our daily bread.
* And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial." (Luke 11:2-4)
Um, that looks a little different than the way we say it! Anyway, in getting ready for this Sunday's worship service I'm already thinking about prayer.
But there is another reason too! You see, I firmly believe that the church that prays together stays together. Which is why in every church that I have served I have had an intentional time of prayer. Last Wednesday at Noon I blocked out an hour in my schedule to pray for FCC Scottsdale. And this Wednesday at Noon (and every Wednesday from here on out!) I'm inviting anyone who wants to join me to come to my office and join in a time of prayer for First Christian Church Scottsdale.
We'll lift up all of the names listed on the church's prayer list, everyone on our Joys and Concerns list, any of the names brought forward during Sunday's "Prayer's of the People" and whatever prayer requests come up that day. If you can make it, join me in my office at the church at Noon on Wednesday. If you can't make it, then feel free to carve out a little bit of time on Wednesday at Noon wherever you are and know that you and your church are in prayer together!
Yours in the journey, Rev. Brian