Thursday, March 17, 2011

Newsbrief: New Computers!


They are a central part of our modern lives. From the personal computers we use to check e-mails to the cellphones we carry around to the check-out machines at your neighborhood grocery store.

Computers are also a central part of our ministry at First Christian Church. I mean, you wouldn’t be reading this blog post without computers!

From the e-mail messages we exchange to the Elder’s Rotating Visitation List to the Worship Bulletins on Sunday morning and the Sermon Slides I create every week, we use computers in almost every aspect of the church’s ministry.

Which is what makes this announcement so exciting: This coming Tuesday we will begin installing a brand new computer system for the church!

The need for a new system became apparent when one of the machines in the office started routinely locking up (in the tech world they call it “The Blue Screen of Death”) because it was out of memory. We quickly discovered that the machine only had 32 GB’s of memory (for comparison sake, my cell phone has that much memory; most new computers come with at least 500 GB hard drives now).

The upgrade will also allow us to do some new things in worship as well. Our current server is too old to support the most recent updates to our Worship Software, meaning we aren’t able to take full advantage of what it can do. We can also start digitally recording the worship service and making my sermons available for folks who cannot make it into church on a particular Sunday morning. Stay tuned for more news on that in the coming weeks.

We are fortunate that we can pay for the entire new computer system (3 desktop PC’s and one Server) by accessing unrestricted Memorial Funds. However, if you would like to make a onetime contribution to help offset the expense, that would be fabulous. Simply mark your donation for Fund 5017 and we’ll make sure it gets to the right place here at the church office.

By the way, the system we use to keep track of donations and the church budget…all done on computers! I told you they were central to our ministry!

Yours in the journey, Rev. Brian

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