Thursday, November 29, 2012

Whiteboard: Advent 1, The Sunday of Hope

This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent, a season of expectation, preparation, and anticipation that leads the way for the celebration of Christmas.

During the Season of Advent I'll be using this Whiteboard space to share the updated pictures of what is on the my whiteboard in my office (spoiler alert: a new candle will be "lit" each week in the picture) and share a prayer specific for that week.

You see, during the season of Advent each Sunday has a specific theme assigned to it. The first Sunday (this Sunday) is the Sunday of Hope. Then comes Peace, Joy, and ultimately on the Fourth Sunday of Advent comes Love.

In this time of Advent as we eagerly await the birth of Christ in our hearts and in our world I hope that you will join me in praying these Advent prayers.

This Week's Advent Prayer:
O God, we thank you
that Jesus brought hope into our world.
By the good news of the Bible
you are still bringing hope to people.
Help us to be ready to welcome Jesus Christ
so that we may think good thoughts
and do good deeds
and so that we may be a people of hope
in our world. 

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