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Pray for Mexico on Sunday, June 16, 2013
June 16, 2013
God our Rock, our Refuge in times of trouble, and the One who has brought us to this day , we give thanks for the continuing signs of your presence in our world. Help us respond in gratitude that we may love our neighbor, be they next door, in Mexico, or elsewhere in your world. Help us to make your beloved people and relationships with people our priority in every realm of our lives.
Teach us to live our lives in the wholeness of your eternal values. We need your guidance to be able to live in harmony with one another, show hospitality to the strangers among us, and to minister to the needy wherever they may be.
In times of setback, in times of distress, help us to recognize the opportunity for your grace to be at work as it is working in your church at Maravillas. Strengthen our faith and guide us that we might respond in such times in a manner that will enhance the gifts you have given us and share them extravagantly with your world.
We pray in the name of Christ, Amen
Mission Stewardship Moment from Mexico:
“No hay mal que por bien no venga” (There is nothing bad that something good cannot come out of it) is a widely quoted Mexican proverb which the Maravillas Disciples Church on the outskirts of San Luis Potosi, Mexico is now living out. Since the collapse of their sanctuary roof on December 29 and subsequent demolition of the building, the congregation has been blessed with the prayers, offerings and presence of fellow church members in the area and beyond.
Last month representatives of the two largest congregations in San Luis Potosi brought $2500 to the afternoon worship service at Maravillas. And Pastor Josue Martinez Cisneros, President of the C.I.C.E. Disciples churches assured the members more would be contributed. Global Ministries arranged for a construction advisor Jim Piper to spend four weeks helping with the design and planning of the new sanctuary. Jim has now returned to Maravillas to assist with laying the foundation and putting up the new sanctuary’s walls.
These early signs of solidarity, fraternal love and support have enabled the congregation to make fast progress in the construction project. “I am so grateful for this unexpected, new opportunity to show our love for our Church and our God” Building Committee Chair Ramiro Ortiz Pardo states. And other expect the project to result in deepening the congregation’s faith and commitment to serve.
When he was leaving for home in Idaho, Jim Piper was determined to return soon. In addition to his satisfaction in helping the congregation plan the new construction, he expressed gratitude for the good care and tasty meals provided daily by church members. “Their hospitality has been amazing” Jim declared. “I have the time and I love it here. How could I not come back?” he adds with a big smile.
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Doug Smith and Kate Moyer)
Mission Partners in Mexico:
- Alianza de Iglesias Cristianas Evangelicas (Discipulos de Cristo) en Mexico (AICE)
- Centro de Coordinacion de Proyectos Ecumenicos (CECOPE)
- Confraternidad de Iglesias Cristianas Evangelicas (Discipulos de Cristo) (CICE)
- Iglesias Cristianas Congregacionales de Mexico
- Instituto de Estudios e Investigacion Intercultural, A.C. (INESIN)
- Mesa Conjunta
HEPAC video -
More information on Mexico:
Global Ministries Missionaries in Mexico:
Douglas Smith and Kathleen Moyer, members of Delhaven Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), La Puente, California, serve with the Joint Table for Mission Development formed by the Christian Congregational Churches of Mexico, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Mexico (ICDCM - Iglesia Cristiana Discípulos de Cristo de Mexico), and the Fraternity of Evangelical Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) of Mexico (CICEDCM – Confraternidad de Iglesias Cristianas Evangélicas (Discípulos de Cristo). Doug serves as a consultant for Mission Development, with emphasis in stewardship and resource development. Kate serves as a consultant for Mission Development, with emphasis on women’s development and theological education. You can learn more about their work through photos and words on their blog, Erasing Borders.
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