Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 Things from the Annual Meeting

We had our Annual Congregational Meeting this past Sunday immediately following worship at First Christian Church Scottsdale. Here are the "Three Things You Need to Know" from that meeting.

  1. After a year of hard work, study, and discernment we have restructured the Church's By-Laws to more fully address important areas in the life of the church. Moving forward the committee structure of the church is now composed of: Worship, Education, Outreach, Facilities, Finances, Membership, Fellowship, and the Elders. We will also continue to have a leadership team made up of the Moderator, Vice Moderator, Treasurer, and Secretary. Many thanks to the Restructure Team who did tremendous work this year pulling all of this together!
  2. The Congregation formally approved the following Officers as well as Committee Co-Chairs (please note: We not only have chairs for each committee in 2012, but co-chairs for each committee in the coming year!).
         Moderator: Bob Bruns                    Vice Moderator: Sandi DeFeo
         Treasurer: Dave Groves                  Secretary: Nancy Sauder
         Education: Michelle Landreville and Jessie Jones
         Facilities: Don Jones and Mark Powell
         Fellowship: Cathy Lloyd and Beth Porter
         Finances: Dave Groves and Carol Tidrow
         Membership: Nancy Fasolino and Shirley Bruns
         Outreach: Bob Stall and Seth Duhnke
         Worship: Carrie Marinkovich and Dorothy Rightnowar
         New Elders (3-year Term): Scott Eubanks and Charlie Atkinson
  3. We formally approved a balanced budget for 2012 of $261,200. A complete breakdown of that Budget is available in the church office for anyone wishing to see it.
    In a related note, Pledge Cards from the Stewardship Campaign continue to arrive in the church office and I am overjoyed to announce that our pledge total for 2012 has increased from last year! With a handful of Pledge Cards still waiting to be returned we should be able to easily eclipse last year's totals and live into the figures spelled out in our newly adopted budget. Thank you for your generosity, and for living into the promises of your pledge cards!
Yours in the journey, Rev. Brian

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