Thursday, April 11, 2013

Newsbrief: 271


I can’t believe it.

Look at that number again: 271!

That is how many items you all donated to Vista Del Camino last Sunday. What a blessing! What a gift!

Remember, all throughout the month of April every item that we donate to Vista Del Camino is matched with a $1 cash donation from the Finestein Foundation.

Which means that we really do need to look at that number again, but it also doubles as the amount of money that Vista Del Camino received in addition to your generous contributions. That is $271 that will help make a difference for the most vulnerable in our community.

AND, it doesn’t stop there. We have the entire month to continue collecting nonperishable food items for Vista Del Camino that will be matched with a financial gift from the Finestein Foundation. So that can of vegetables you donate will also bring in an extra dollar to Vista Del Camino. That box of cereal means an extra dollar. If you bring in a three cases of canned good (like one generous church member did) that is $36 for Vista Del Camino that is over and above the 36 cans that will go into the food pantry.

So keep those donations coming. You can find the Collection Bin in the Fellowship Hall and we’ll make sure it gets to Vista Del Camino before the end of the month so that your donation is eligible for the matching grant as well!

Yours in the Journey,
Rev. Brian

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