Thursday, May 14, 2015

In the Disciples News Service

Well, look who was featured in the Disciples News Service's weekly email newsletter this week!

That's right, FCC Scottsdale and "The Fifth With First!"

You'll find the full text of the article printed below.

{By the way, if you would like to sign up to received the Disciples News Service in your email inbox every single Wendesday and learn about all of the amazing things that Disciples are doing then click here to subscribe to their service)

Journey congregation accepts “out of the box” challenge

If your congregation were given the challenge to do one thing “out of the box” in just 21 days, what would it do?
First Christian Church, Scottsdale, Ariz., accepted that challenge and started “The 5th with First”—a combined worship/outreach project service or, as they call it, “workship.”
WorkshipOn the fifth Sunday of the month, the congregation steps out of its comfort zone and meets in the park down the road for a brief prayer service that includes scripture and communion, and then heads out into the community to do “faithful, faith-filled holy work.”
Partnering with local groups, the workship team has assisted neighborhood homeowners in cleaning up/fixing up their property; assembled back-to-school packs; and done housekeeping chores and meal preparation at the local Ronald McDonald House.
For those who prefer to stay at the church, an abbreviated worship
service is held there, followed by a service project in the fellowship
hall, which recently involved preparing “healthy packs” for local school
children on the free or reduced lunch program who do not have enough to eat on weekends.
“Workship is when we live out our faith by going out into the community to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors,” says First’s Pastor Brian Frederick-Gray.
First Christian Church, Scottsdale heard the call to take the 21-day challenge as part of their participation in Hope Partnership’s The Journey—a two-year cycle of services that helps church leaders discover the courage to lead their congregation through missional transformation by guiding them to seek answers to the right questions, unleash creativity and develop teamwork in their congregation. The process includes intensive training experiences, coaching and CARE (peer) group participation.
Visit for more information about Hope Partnership’s Journey service.

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