Monday, January 5, 2009

I've been thinking about...

...Church History

One of the pieces that we agreed to as part of our interim covenant together was to “come to terms with our history as a congregation.” That is the official language of the Interim Ministry Network and, frankly, it sounds a bit persnickety. They use the language because some congregations enter into an interim time dealing with significant conflict and division over their immediate (or not so immediate) past.

We are fortunate not to be one of those congregations!

Nonetheless, taking some intentional time during our interim period to look at our history as a congregation is still an important step for us. After all, how is the church going to know where we are heading for the future if we do not know where we have been? Besides, the Encanto Community Church has some significant events and past milestones that are worth lifting up and celebrating again during this time of change of transition.

That is why we are making January 2009 History Month at Encanto Community Church! When you come in to coffee hour this morning you’ll see several great big sheets of paper taped up to the walls of Fellowship Hall. Each one represents a decade in the life of this congregation — from the founding in the 1940’s to the present of the 2000’s. And each sheet of paper is split up into quandrants with a specific section for: Global Events, Church Events, Church Membership, and the city of Phoenix.

Now comes the fun part…we get to fill in the blanks. You will find markers, pens, and tape next to each sheet of paper. Since we all carry a piece of the story of this congregation with us, we will all be the biographers of Encanto Community Church’s history. So join us in Fellowship Hall all month, and make sure to grab a marker!

Yours in the Journey, Rev. Brian

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