Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I've been thinking about...


That season when we celebrate the light of Christ that illuminates the darkness of the world; when we commemorate the journey of the Magi from the East by thinking ourselves of what gifts we have to offer to the newborn Christ.

I have stumbled across a poem that I would like to share this morning. It is called “Epiphany 2000” and though the author, Christine McIntosh, wrote it to mark the turn of the millennium it still strikes resounding chords for us this Epiphany. It’s themes of change, faith, transition, and looking in hope to the future speak powerfully to our interim time.

Two thousand years after the
star's silent summons
light from the stable still
burns momentarily; the
impermanent Magi still
make their improbable journey.
Perched on the lip
of another era, we
strain to feel the faint
warmth of faith,
kissing the wind of
love's passing, yearning
from our pulsating circuits for
the connection to hold.
And as the moment passes
we look ahead, not at
light's comfort but at the
stark shadow on the hill.

May the light of Christ shine in your life, making all things bright.
Yours in the journey, Rev. Brian

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