Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekly Bibliography

I'm going to need to tweak the title of this recurring feature, since it isn't actually recurring as often as the title might indicate. Anyway, here are some of the things I've been reading (and doing) on-line lately.

New UCC News Feeds on the Encanto Website
I've added a news feed section to the website. It is a self-updating RSS feed, which means this page will change and upload new stories and links as soon as they are available. It is a great way for folks to stay in the loop with things going on in the wider world of the United Church of Christ.

UCC justice leader decries Tiller murder
Here is just one example from the UCC News Feed: Sandy Sorensen, the UCC's Washington-based Justice and Witness Ministries minister and team leader, has issued a statement regarding the killing of Dr. George Tiller.

Annual Report of the National Setting of the United Church of Christ
Speaking of the wider world of the UCC, here is the online version of the Annual Report from the UCC. It includes video clips, plenty of photos, and our denominational leaders telling you in their own words what they are up to in the name of serving the Lord. Make sure to click all the way to the end (about 5 clicks, really) for the invitation to share your own videos or stories about how the UCC has changed your life.

The Journey with Jesus: Notes to Myself
I have linked to Dan Clendenin's blog before, but since I opened the sermon with an extended quote from his essay, it feels right to link to him again. Bookmark his site and comeback often, or just check to make sure I didn't misquote him.

Immerse Yourself Photo Mosaic
Lots of UCC links today, but this one is my favorite. The UCC has created a photo mosaic for General Synod 27 in order to share all the ways that UCC members and friends immerse themselves in life, love, ministry, justice and more! Well...I'M IN THE MOSAIC! I can't tell you how excited I am! Right in the middle (the right leg of the second "M", second photo down) with Lee, Phil, Liana, and Barb at the Clergy-vs-Youth Softball Game. Just look for this photo, right here...

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