You know what simply HAS to proceed any good Kick-Off Sunday?
Work Day, of course!
Lucky for us, FCC Scottsdale has plenty of committed, hard working folks willing to give up part of a Saturday morning each month (you know, once the weather cools off a little...which should happen any day now, right?) in order to help keep our church grounds looking great.
Here are some action shots from Work Day, September 11, 2010:
Don, our fearless leader (and keeper of the list of projects for the day) hard at work |
Dave repainting the handrails leading up to the Sanctuary |
Barry doing...well, I'll just let you insert your own punchline here! |
Scott cleaning up the roof of the Education Building (thus proving that the newly installed ladder actually all we need is a fireman's pole to help folks get down quicker!) |
Jim raking up after one of our many olive trees |
Rev Brian...Is this why you invited your mother and sister up to visit that weekend??? Love, Mom