Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Whiteboard: Mark 1:21-28

This entire month scripture has been re-introducing us to Jesus. We are starting off the New Year by learning more about the one that we proclaim as the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, the Son of God, and our Lord and Savior.

This Sunday scripture wants us to know that Jesus is...a teacher and a healer.

What's more, those two things are more closely related than you might think. We tend to think that Jesus' teachings are wholly separate from his healing ministry, but read carefully in Mark 1:21-28. It his is teachings (teachings with "authority" nonetheless) that first get the attention of the "evil spirit." It is those teachings that challenge the "evil spirit" and lead to the confrontation that brings about the healing work of Christ.

What if Christ's teachings don't merely call for intellectual assent, but rather can heal our hearts?

What if his ministry doesn't call for a separation of heart and head, but rather brings about a new life, a whole life, rooted in compassion and mercy, justice and love?

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